Tax-Free Shopping for Video Production Equipment in Tokyo Hanzomon – System5

Japan. Tax-free Shop

PROGEAR Hanzomon

System5 Progear Hanzomon (Tokyo) is a reseller of professional video and sound gears.

We display various video cameras by Sony, Canon, DJI, Blackmagic Design etc.

You can buy items tax-free, and take them away at once.

Please visit us for tax-free purchase of the pro gears.

We are looking forward to your visiting.

SYSTEM5 PROGEAR半蔵門は業務用映像・音響機器を多数取り扱うプロ機材販売店です。

ショールームにはSony、Canon、DJI、Blackmagic Designなど様々なメーカーの商品を常時展示しております。


プロ機材の免税購入はSYSTEM5 PROGEAR半蔵門をご利用ください。


Tax-Free Eligible Customers”

・Tourists from abroad—Temporary visitors only (Less than six months)

・Diplomats who have a tax-exemption licence card.

・Non-residents with Japanese nationality who can be confirmed that they have been living outside Japan for more than two years with a “certificate of residence” or a “copy of family register” direction

* When using the automated immigration gates for landing examination at the airports (Narita, Haneda, Chubu, Kansai and Fukuoka), your passport is not stamped with the seal of verification for entry. Therefore, you may not be able to identify yourself as a non-resident at tax-free shops. If you plan to use tax-free shops, please inform the officer at the customs office that you need the seal of verification when passing the automated immigration gates.
For Non-Residents Using Automated Immigration Gates(PDF/101KB)
* The proof of residence requires the “date when the address (or place of residence) was established” and the “land number of the permanent domicile”.
* A copy of the family register tag must include the “land number of the permanent domicile”.





※1 入国審査時に自動化ゲートを利用された場合、パスポートに入国の証印が押されないため、免税処理が行えません。 免税のご利用をお考えの場合は、自動化ゲートを通過する際に、証印が必要な旨を入国管理局の職員にお申し出ください。
※2 在留証明には、「住所(又は居所)を定めた年月日」及び「本籍の地番」が必要です。
※3 戸籍の附票の写しには、「本籍の地番」の記載が必要です。

Tax-Free Eligible Items

・All products for sale (excluding some items)



Minimum purchase for tax-free (per a person, a day)

・Over 5,000 JPY, excluding tax



Documents required

・Tourists: Passport of your own (No photo copy)

・Diplomats: Exemption licence of your own, Your ID, Official purchase

・Non-residents with Japanese nationality: Certificate of residence or copy of family register
* If you would like to place an order at the online shop before visiting the store, please write “I would like to purchase tax-free” in the notes section. Or please reply to the email you receive when your order is completed.
* Points cannot be used for duty-free purchases.




・日本国籍を有する非居住者の方:在留証明 または 戸籍の附票の写し

Product Warranty

・Only within Japan (Repairs and inspections not available overseas)



About Progear Hanzomon Tokyo
